Best Pills and Medicines to Treat Cystitis in Women

Woman taking medication for cystitisThe dangers of cystitis go beyond painful symptoms—a lack of proper treatment can lead to complications, especially in women; and improper medication selection and use can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Causes and pathogenesis

One predisposing factor for cystitis in women is the anatomy of their urinary tract - the urethra is short and wide, allowing unhindered penetration of microorganisms. The proximity of the anus and vaginal opening to the urethra increases the risk of infection.Another physiological characteristic that affects the frequent occurrence of pathologies in women is the larger capacity of the bladder than in men, which allows them to endure the urge to go to the toilet for a longer period of time. Periodic stagnation of urine causes the persistence and spread of infection within the organ lumen.Wearing tight or synthetic underwear (creating the effect of a hot water bottle) as well as a lack of personal hygiene and indiscriminate sexual intercourse contribute to the development of the inflammatory process.Microorganisms enter the bladder via the ascending (through the urethra) or descending (through the ureters of the kidneys) route. Infection of the lymphatic flow of the pelvic organs is possible. More uncommon but possible is a hematogenous route of infection from distant foci of inflammation (nasopharynx, dental caries).The most common causative agents of this disease are Escherichia coli or Streptococcus, and less commonly viruses, yeast-like fungi or sexually transmitted infections: gonococcus, trichomonas.Normally, the bladder mucosa is protected from infection by the glycocalyx, a protective substance produced under the influence of female sex hormones. The cavities of healthy organs are non-sterile - single cells of pathogenic microbiota may be present in them, but the active development of microorganisms is hindered by the body's immunity. Additionally, regular urination can clear up infections.The impetus for the development of acute cystitis may be:
  • Decreased immunity due to hypothermia, ARVI, nervousness, stress, physical fatigue;
  • Allergy to certain medications;
  • Pyelonephritis, urolithiasis with impaired urinary outflow;
  • diabetes;
  • late pregnancy;
  • Menopause, a state of imbalance of female sex hormones.
Cystitis can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The latter is the result of inadequate treatment, persistent renal dysfunction, and systemic disease related to hormonal imbalance.

Development of acute cystitis

The disease always begins suddenly, most commonly in the evening or the next morning, when the feet are wet, soaked by rain, or sitting on something cold. These symptoms are vivid and painful, and it is impossible not to notice them:
  • Persistent pain in the lower abdomen above the pubic bone, radiating to the lumbosacral region;
  • Nocturia - the urge to urinate every 10-15 minutes;
  • Difficulty urinating - a feeling of persistent fullness in the bladder;
  • Small, difficult, dribbling urination, accompanied by acute cutting pain, burning sensation, and itching;
  • The color is turbid, flaky, and may be mixed with pus or blood;
  • Weakness, weakness, headache, fever, low-grade or high fever.
The inflammatory process often affects the urethra, leading to the development of urethritis with increased pain and itching.In this case, performance is out of the question. The best thing to do is to consult a doctor immediately.
Starting treatment within the first few hours of illness can increase your chances of getting rid of cystitis permanently in a short period of time.


To treat cystitis, you need to consult a urologist, gynecologist, or infectious disease specialist.Some testing is required:
  • General urinalysis;
  • Urine microscopy;
  • Bacterial culture to determine the susceptibility of pathogens to antibiotics;
  • Bladder ultrasonography is necessary to ensure that there are no changes in the deep submucosal and muscular layers of the bladder, polyps, or cysts.
High leukocyte levels indicate cystitis - leukocyturia above 2000/ml.Based on the content of red blood cells and columnar structures in the urine, it is possible to identify relevant problems and factors that trigger the development of cystitis: traumatic kidney injury, urolithiasis, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephropathy, purulent abscesses, toxic lesions of the bladder. Urinary system, viruses present.In addition, a gynecological examination is required - a vaginal smear is analyzed for the presence of sexually transmitted infections and pathogenic microbiota.Such a detailed history will help to reliably identify the causative agent of inflammation and the extent of organ and tissue damage.

antibiotic treatment

For the treatment of uncomplicated acute infective cystitis, the course of antibiotics ranges from 2 to 7 days. Use clavulanic acid-based tetracycline drugs, derived from penicillins and fluoroquinolones.The choice of drug is made by the doctor based on the results of pathogen susceptibility testing. Spontaneous use of drugs only suppresses symptoms and promotes the development of a slow inflammatory process. The development of drug resistance by microorganisms will complicate further treatment, narrowing the range of effective drugs.You cannot extend the prescribed period of taking antibiotics on your own - there is a risk of dysbiosis and immunodeficiency states due to the suppression of the normal microbiota in the body.In addition to antibiotics, when treating cystitis in women, antispasmodics, analgesics, and herbal remedies in tablets and other forms may be taken to relieve symptoms.

Herbal and Dietary Supplements

The complex based on plant raw materials is non-toxic, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, antibacterial effects and enhances the effect of antibiotics without disturbing the balance of the microbiome. During the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis, it can be taken long-term - 2 weeks to 1 month. The choice of funds is quite broad:
  1. Tablets containing cranberry extract - a well-known natural antibiotic and diuretic. Cranberries have astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, speeding up the clearance of infections through urine;
  2. Capsules containing ascorbic acid, cranberry, bearberry and horsetail are intended for use in the prevention and treatment of cystitis as part of a comprehensive therapy;
  3. Herbal remedies for cystitis based on medicinal plants. Available as solution and dragee, contains thyme, lovage, rosemary;
  4. Natural complex based on orange, pine, sage and other vegetable oils. Served as a thick green paste. Before ingestion, a small amount of this product should be dissolved in warm water;
  5. The product is produced in tablet form and contains hops, peppermint, oregano and fir oil extracts;
  6. A drug used to treat urolithiasis and prevent bladder infections. Contains kidney tea, silkworm leaves, papaya, shepherd's purse pepper. Available in capsules and tablets. In addition to its significant diuretic effect, this product blocks the inflammatory process of the urinary tract, improves its permeability, removes sand and dissolves small kidney stones, and has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect.


To relieve pain, relax the smooth muscles of the bladder, and facilitate urination, doctors may prescribe antimyospasm medications. These medications can relieve severe symptoms and reduce pain and discomfort caused by contraction of muscle fibers.A single dose should not exceed 2-3 tablets. Overdose can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and a drop in blood pressure. Don’t forget that antispasmodics can only temporarily relieve symptoms but do not cure the disease.


Severe pain, accompanied by fever, fever and weakness, is the reason for prescribing drugs of the class propionic acid derivatives. The drugs used have general anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Side effects are rare but can occur, so be sure to check with your doctor before using a medication to check its safety. Contraindications to taking products containing propionic acid derivatives include severe renal and hepatic failure, pregnancy, and young children under 6 years of age.


To prevent dysbiosis and gastrointestinal diseases when taking antibiotics, use medicines containing a natural complex of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria (probiotics). These products have been shown to protect and restore the microbiota of the female reproductive organs, enhance local immunity, and reduce the adverse consequences of antibiotic treatment. There are almost no contraindications to taking probiotics - allergy or allergic reaction to the components of the drug.For uncomplicated acute cystitis, dry and moist heat treatment is effective. Warm steam and sitz baths with a decoction of St. John's wort or yarrow are useful: for steam baths, pour a hot herbal decoction into a basin. You need to squat on the rising steam and sit there for 10 to 15 minutes. The steam should be lukewarm, but not hot. For a sitz bath, add the herbal decoction to water at a temperature of approximately 45 °C.While you rest, you can apply a warm heating pad to your lower abdomen - where your bladder is.Heat therapy stimulates intertissue exchange and has relaxing, analgesic and antispasmodic effects.
Warming is allowed only if there are no inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs, otherwise such treatment may cause additional damage.

additional treatment

Bladder massage techniques can be used as an additional treatment.
  1. Lie on your back with your knees slightly bent (you can place a bolster or pillow behind your back).
  2. Place the fingertips of both hands on your abdomen 2-3 fingers below the navel.
  3. Exhale and press the abdominal wall gently and deeply until you feel a slight pain inside. After a few seconds, release your hands and press the abdomen again. Repeat 5 or 6 times.
These actions are designed to eliminate delayed diuresis, congestion and accelerate blood circulation in the bladder area. If the massage is done correctly, there will be a strong urge to go to the toilet after the massage.During treatment for cystitis, you will need to drink more fluids than usual to flush your bladder. In addition to clean drinking water, it is also useful to drink gas-free slightly alkaline mineral water, juice drinks made from cranberries, black currants, red currants, cherries, sea buckthorn and other berries. Acidic drinks have an antibacterial effect that prevents infection from becoming lodged in the walls of the organs and accelerates the removal of inflammatory products from the bladder lumen.Decoctions and infusions of seeds and herbs from dill, chamomile, parsley, lingonberry leaves and millet have high diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. To prepare, pour 2 tablespoons of the crushed stock into 1 liter of boiling water, cook in a water bath for 15 minutes and leave for about 1 hour. Strain the liquid carefully and drink it warm, 1 cup 3 times a day. Diuretic drinks should be used with caution in patients with insufficient renal function and a tendency to have high blood pressure or low blood pressure.During the treatment of cystitis, spicy condiments, pickled and salty foods, sweets, carbonated sweet drinks, strong coffee and alcohol need to be excluded from the diet. These products interfere with the excretory function of the kidneys, promote the accumulation of uric acid, and irritate the urethra.

chronic cystitis

Untimely initiation or incorrect and careless treatment of acute cystitis can lead to a late chronic form with periodic recurrences. Chronic cystitis is a long-term condition. Periods of remission or slow inflammatory process, during which the disease is barely noticeable, alternate with sharp exacerbations of symptoms.The dangers of chronic cystitis go beyond the severe discomfort and pain that occurs during exacerbations. Long-standing inflammatory foci in the bladder affect the deeper layers of the organ, leading to the development of recalcitrant morphological forms of the disease: interstitial, cystic, hemorrhagic, gangrenous cystitis, polypoidal hyperplasia. The inflammatory process involves not only the mucosa, but also the submucosa, muscle tissue, and the circulatory system of the organs. Gradually, the affected area is replaced by rough scar tissue, and the organ loses its elasticity and is unable to perform its normal functions.In addition, the inflammatory process can spread to nearby organs, leading to the development of paracystitis - damage to the tissue surrounding the bladder, pyelonephritis. Gradual spread of infection can lead to adnexitis, fallopian tube adhesions, and subsequent infertility.For pregnant women, the exacerbation of the chronic process is inevitable, affected by changes in hormonal levels, fluctuations in immunity, pressure on internal organs by the growing uterus, which also causes urinary stagnation and inflammatory processes. The most serious complication of cystitis in pregnant women is acute pyelonephritis, which can lead to severe poisoning of the body and the threat of miscarriage.Treatment of complicated forms of cystitis takes place in the hospital. In addition to taking medications, the following types of treatments are available:
  1. Instillation - the introduction of a drug solution into the bladder lumen to flush out toxins and have anti-inflammatory effects;
  2. Physiotherapy – Current pulses, iontophoresis, UHF, mud application, acupuncture treatments;
  3. Postural Therapy - Special positions that help relieve congestion and restore openness to the urinary tract. This method is suitable for pregnant women;
  4. Surgical treatment - laser cauterization or removal of affected bladder tissue. In severe cases of complete loss of organ function, they resort to plastic surgery of the bladder's own intestinal tissue.
The duration of treatment for chronic cystitis is several months. The course is designed to eliminate inflammatory processes, prevent complications, maximize recovery of the urinary system and prevent irreversible changes in the tissue structure of the organs.Basic measures to prevent cystitis: maintain good hygiene habits, wear underwear of natural fabrics, choose shoes and clothes according to the weather and season, treat colds and chronic diseases promptly, and take a general fortified vitamin complex.